Exploring Downtown Portland

Posted in Photography, Travel by daybf on March 21, 2011

I frequented downtown Portland throughout my stay. On this particular day I took the streetcar downtown to catch a bus to get to the Hawthorne District. So, I took this opportunity to photograph some of the area while the weather was pretty nice.

I was surprised to see a bunch of seagulls flying around/searching for scraps of food. Below is the MAX passing by the pretty City Hall building.
Portland Center for the Performing Arts shot during the day (left) and early evening (right):
The Portlandia statue crouches above the entrance of the Portland Building. The statue was built by Raymond Kaskey and installed in 1985. It’s the second largest copper sculpture after the Statue of Liberty and is based on the design of Portland’s city seal.
Lownsdale Square (top), Tri-met MAX stop (bottom left), water fountain (bottom right)

San Jose park

Posted in 365, Photography by daybf on February 4, 2011

4/365: Ran an errand for my dad in San Jose today and ended up on S 1st St. Photo of the day is of a little park in the middle of the street. Each side of the street is one-way with this park in the center separating the two sides. I hope that makes sense…

It’s always interesting when there are all of these nice places to sit and hangout and there is one lone person:
Misc S 1st St sights: